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Opening: Sat-Wed: 8:30-17:00 - Thursday: 8:30-13:00

Cash Table

Cash Table

Cash Table

Boxes are designed and made in two ways with or without a conveyor. Dimensions of chests without conveyor belts are 1.20, 1.50, 1.80 and 2 meters and chest table with conveyor belts are 2 to 3.50 meters.

Technical Specifications:

● Equipped with automatic conveyor belt and pedal with electronic eye to stop the conveyor

● A place to install a computer, a barcode reader and a drawer for the seller

● Aluminum frame and plastic bumpers around

● In dimensions of 1.5 to 3 meters

● Conveyor barcode deactivation screen with the ability to be installed in a special

compartment (according to order)

● Furnace electrostatic powder paint (according to customer's order)

● Ability to install a separator compartment (according to customer order)

● Ability to install a barrier with a stop sign (according to the customer's order)


Boxes are designed and made in two ways with or without a conveyor. Dimensions of chests without conveyor belts are 1.20, 1.50, 1.80 and 2 meters and chest table with conveyor belts are 2 to 3.50 meters. At the bottom of the cash desk, there is a collection tray so that customers' goods can be easily collected after registration. The way of moving the items on the table of boxes without conveyor is made of stainless steel sheet to minimize the friction on it and move it smoothly on the path, and for the table of boxes with conveyor at the end of it, the collection tray is made of stainless steel. It is made of steel to easily guide the cashier to the end of the path after inserting the product in the system and to be cleaned quickly at the end of the day.

To move the conveyor of the cash desk, an electronic eye or a moving pedal is used, the pedal is used by the user of the cash desk, and the electronic eye is sensitive and sensitive to the movement path.

The number and dimensions of cash desks vary according to the dimensions of the store and the capacity to receive customers.

All around the cash desk table is made of aluminum and plastic bumpers are used to protect the tables to prevent damage caused by the collision of shop trolleys.
All tables are painted with electrostatic powder paint and its color can be changed according to the customer's order.






Designed by WebPraseh